Reading: How We Get Free

HOW WE GET FREE: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective

Big change does not happen with big declarations from city officials or blue ribbon commissions, but with curious and passionate people who believe that change is possible.

How Did I Come By This Book?

Melina, awesome forever coach and to infinity and beyond coach gave it to me as a 2020 gift. As she said, “I think it’s cool because it’s all conversations. I like that the information is laid out like.” She and I have connected over storytelling far before I knew it was a buzzword. I knew that the stories with young people in my work is what kept me connected to them. And then when working with adults, hearing someone share even a snapshot into their life created understanding and commitment to them. Also! I had the chance to meet one of the women from the Combahee River Collective last month at a facilitation engagement. Shifters of the world walk amongst us, not above us.

Why Now?

Sometimes I think Melina knows my next step before I do. I have this idea to record the conversations I have with friends. They’re my favorite data points for learning hard truths about myself and the world.