Not Fake, Aspirational.

If you follow my Instagram feed, you know that the whole thing is pretty intentional. Up until recently, I didn’t think of it as being fake or not representative of my true life experience, but I wonder if those closest to me share that opinion.

How real am I expected to be on my social media? There’s a fine line between sharing and oversharing, right? We all hate the person who overshares their everyday, mundane challenges/decisions: “Just putting on my white socks and can’t find a matching pair.” Yet, there’s this newish line. We are also building up this resentment of that picture of bright white socks on a well made bed with a steaming cup of coffee. We don’t want things too perfect.

Is there any room for aspirational living on our feeds? I hope so. It’s what I am looking for. A place where we can reimagine a world with positivity.

good hair days. crisp pages of a notebook. chip-free polish.

I am looking for a place where people feel like they can put their best foot forward. Unlike work meetings or at the water bubbler, where everyone is looking for connection through complaining. I want a connection that is about sharing joy.

I hope my social media represents the best of me. The part of me that is creative and curious. Thepart of me that says for every thing that could worry me, there are at least 3 things for which I’m grateful. The aspirations of what I hope to become. The possibilities of others if we could drop the bullshit and bring our best selves without fear.

Melinda Barbosa1 Comment