On Shame Creeping Into Your Sunday...

Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.
— Brene Brown
  1. Take care of your body. Shame has a way of making you think that you might as well throw out the baby with the bath water because nothing could ever work out. Nurturing yourself is the best antidote to the spiritual harm shame causes.

  2. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you will make this coming week and the ones from the week before that will come back to bite you in the ass. Write them down. Burn them. Do something to remind yourself that nothing is permanent and one mistake is not enough to take anyone down.

  3. Tell a friend. Get that icky thought of your head. Let them nurture you. Hold you. Feed you with affirmation.

  4. Take a nap. Shame has a way of spreading to every single part of your body and mind. A stress nap is still a nap.

  5. Resist the temptation to hustle your way out of the negative thoughts. Shame has nothing to do with your actions, but everything to do with your thoughts that tell you that you’ll never be good enough. No one can outwork shame, but you can outsmart it. Sit with yourself and feel everything. Then take a deep breath and remind yourself that thoughts are not real.

Melinda Barbosa