
consulting services

Melinda Barbosa is a coach, facilitator and trainer for mission-driven organizations.  She is a storyteller and facilitator who believes our narratives are the pathway to healing and social change. Read more.


Rambles & Doodles Podcast

Listen to my new project, Rambles & Doodles, a research and development podcast about reflection, journaling, and self discovery. In each episode, I’ll ‘ramble’ about a topic and then share a ‘doodle’ (a journaling prompt) for you to do on your own. This podcast is for avid journalers, newbies, or those who have tried over and over again, but the practice has been hard to keep up.

New episodes come out on Wednesdays, along with suprise minisodes! Subscribe wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts!


Approach to the Work


The healing must happen inside of the work, not on its margins. More than just yoga and breath work, centering care and compassion allows us to see ourselves and others more fully human.


Whether it’s the words, our responses, or what we choose to tell and not tell, it is all data for evaluation, reflection and assessment.


A microscopic examination of the relationships within your organization will reveal the internal workings of larger systems.

Reimagining the Future

More than just magic spells (although those are welcomed, too), we need to revisit to our child-like wonders and reclaim our visions of liberation and wholeness.


Currently Writing…


This isn’t your childhood diary with a lock and flimsy key, this is a space for brave and truthful introspection. Check out these prompts to help get you started or to refresh that dusty journal sitting on your shelf.